W.L.A.T. We have bean learning to sale stuff for money and we try to make people happy what they buy.
[This term we are learning about Trade and Enterprise.]
This term is all about Trade and enterprise. There are six groups that the whole team has been split into for this term. We are learning about selling products and try to make as much money as possible.
[As part of our terms topic we had a trade fair. A trade fair is like a market we make stuff and see how much money you get and when you have done doing you stuff then you can count it up and put same in your bank and pot same in you friends bank.
[For the trade fair my friends and I have created a business called… What are you selling, how much, etc.] we were scaring about Milkshake to see how much was all of the stuff to pay our teacher if she can afford it then me and my friend pou can make and sale it to people for money. Then give it to our teacher.
[I’m really excited about our market day coming up in week 8! We are hoping to make lots of PTs!!]
pt’s are like money a two pt is like a 2$ and a 1pt is like a 1$ and 50 pecs
is like 50 c and 20 pecs is like 20c.
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